

Our anxiety treatment clinic, TERRAP provides help for people with anxiety and enjoys a very high degree of success.
Anxiety, phobia, and panic can be debilitating and lead to emotional problems such as depression. Many patients have difficulty identifying the problem, which often leads to an improper diagnosis and temporary relief.
TERRAP Programs has specialized in this condition since 1962 gaining experience and gathering information from the clinical treatment of thousands of patients. This provides the basis for arriving at valid observations and conclusions.
There is help and it requires:
  • Identifying the problem
  • Understanding the problem
  • Teaching skills to relieve the problem
Medication can help control symptoms of anxiety but provides no lasting benefits once the medication has stopped. The proper use of medication in conjunction with a psychoeducational program such as TERRAP teaches skills that can be very helpful.
Our eighteen-week comprehensive educational program incorporates cognitive and behavioral therapy with lessons in education, relaxation, and desensitization, combined with discussions on how thinking affects behavior, communication, and assertiveness training.
TERRAP teaches patients life-long skills and techniques to identify and convey their feelings, change their thinking, and ultimately change their behavior to effectively reduce (or eliminate) their anxiety and panic.

TERRAP Anxiety Treatment Manual

TERRAP is about four words: fear, anxiety, panic, and phobia. Often used interchangeably describing symptoms, people typically do not clearly define to themselves or others their feelings and thoughts, their importance, their intensity, or the effect on their lives.

Lesson One:

Introduction and Overview of the program; discussing your education, relaxation, exercise, nutrition, desensitization, medication, and theoretical issues.

Lesson Two:

Education on physiological responses to being sensitized to stimulus that results in your phobia or fears; understanding the role of your personality and nervous system, your avoidance reaction, and unconscious modeling.

Lesson Three:

Relaxation training and its importance and benefits to you, as well as your breathing awareness and control to help prevent your panic attacks.

Lesson Four:

Fallacious beliefs are extreme interpretations of things or situations as you believe them to be (subjective truth) and not as they actually are (objective truth). Acknowledging this allows understanding and the beginning of controlling your thoughts to avoid panic.

Lesson Five:

Desensitization training reduces sensitivity to stimulus causing your panic through the “Five R’s” method. This prepares you to resume activities that were avoided due to the anxiety.

Lesson Six:

Stimulus hunting is identifying stimulus causing your anxiety—this could be too much or too little stimulus. Knowing the cause will help prevent it from escalating your anxiety and panic attack.

Lesson Seven:

Goal setting and understanding self-image, self-confidence, self-esteem, and your views on mistakes and perfectionism. Getting past resistance, setbacks, and remaining committed to your recovery from anxiety.

Lesson Eight:

Risking is learning to face fear so it disappears along with your anxiety. Study the motivation required to take the risk that brings the reward of recovering from anxiety.

Lesson Nine:

Feelings are important to identify but those with anxiety have difficulty doing that. Hiding or denying them because you think you are protecting yourself causes inhibition, tension, and ultimately strong overreactions.

Lesson Ten:

Aggression and anger are normal emotions and feelings. It’s important that you learn to properly express them to avoid built-up anxiety.

Lesson Eleven:

Assertiveness training teaches you to get more of what you want and reduce anxiety. People with anxiety have difficulty expressing their wants directly, due to fear of alienating those they need. Knowing exactly what you want and how to ask for it in an assertive but not aggressive manner will help to reduce anxiety.

Lesson Twelve:

Communication’s purpose is to create understanding by conveying your need so others understand, in turn reducing your anxiety. Understand your verbal and nonverbal communication and actively listen to your audience.

Lesson Thirteen

Art of negotiation is interacting with another person to reach a mutual agreement. Get what you want, but everyone leaves with something.

Lesson Fourteen

Self-talk has a tremendous influence over your feelings, attitudes, behavior, thoughts, and quality of life. Changing what we say to ourselves helps us to face our fears, which is required to conquer them.

Lesson Fifteen:

Love is the most powerful feeling arising from a relationship with another person, and its power cannot be underestimated. By overcoming inhibitions and expressing themselves, anxious people can find love and happiness.

Lesson Sixteen:

Separation and loss are the most emotionally traumatic experiences. These experiences can affect people with phobias and anxiety because the exceptionally strong feelings can trigger panic attacks.

Lesson Seventeen:

Setbacks, worry and anxiety are part of life. Understand that you cannot have a setback unless you already made progress. A lot of anxiety is caused by events that have not happened. This is called anticipatory anxiety or worry. In this stage you will learn strategies to manage worry.

Lesson Eighteen:

Now what? Review what was learned, practice as an ongoing process, and appreciate this program works and you will recover to enjoy life.